Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why So Much Water?

Im gonna lay it out really simple and clear.  YOU NEED WATER! If you're trying to stay in shape, being hydrated it essential.

Here are some reasons:
1. Natural Detox (flushes out all the junk)
2. Regulates Body Temperature (good for when you're trying to attack a workout)
3. Helps with Metabolism 
4. Energy Booster (better workout)
5. Helps your organs take in nutrients more efficiently
6. Protects & Hydrates Joints
7. Suppress Hunger (you might mistake hunger for thirst so drink a glass before you eat!)

What Happens If You Don't Drink Enough:
1. You Get Tired Faster
2. Migraines/Headaches
3. Constipation
4. Muscle Cramps
5. Irregular Blood Pressure
6. Dry Skin

I dont know about you, but the benefits are too good to pass up and who wants to experience the side effects of dehydration? Not me. I didn't realize how important water intake was until i did a little more research. I was always getting headaches and cramps, and I would definitely feel groggy early on in the day. Make the change fit fam & HYDRATE! I like to drink at least a gallon a day, especially since I stay active.

Any questions? Feel free to contact & don't forget to share!

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