Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weighted Sumo Squats

Legs should be wider than shoulder width, toes outward, chest up, and holding the weight of choice in between your legs with both hands. Start (just like picture above) making sure to squeeze your butt and legs. Slowly squat down keeping your chest and head up until the bottom of the weight taps the floor. Then slowly go up making sure to squeeze! (That's the most important part) If you aren't getting enough control, use a lighter weight because form
Is most important. 12-15 reps, 3-5 sets

I love this exercise because I feel like it hits almost all the leg muscles that I want to build. And most importantly ladies, it boosts the glutes. ENJOY! And don't forget to SHARE!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Chocolate & PB protein pancakes

Eating clean doesn't have to be so bland, fitfam. Try this one out to start your day with protein packed deliciousness. ENJOY!


1 scoop Met-Rx pancake mix

1 scoop chocolate whey protein

1 tblsp. PB2

1/3 cup wheat germ

1/3 cup oats

2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk

2 tblsp low fat peanut butter (topping optional)

15 dark chocolate chips (topping optional)

Nutritional Facts: (toppings included)

Monday, July 7, 2014


there are so many ways to stretch. Why is it important? Well, you dont want to pull anything right? It also helps with flexibility and range of motion when you workout. Try and do a stretch for at least 20-30 seconds each. Here are a few stretches to try.

QUADS: stand up and pull one leg behind towards your butt. 
HAMSTRINGS: sit on the floor with one leg out and one leg bent. Reach toward the straight leg and repeat on the other leg
CALVES: sit with legs together and grab your toes or stand with one leg bent while the other leg is straight and slightly forward then grab your toes
WRISTS: bring your arm out in front of you with your palm out and fingers pointing down then pull back lightly with your other hand 
ABS: "seal stretch" lay on your stomach, bring arms just above hips and push up with your arms by your side
ARMS: (triceps) bring arm up so that your elbow is toward the ceiling and your hand is pointing down behind your back and lightly pull with your other hand [hand up] behind your back then switch (shoulder) place your arm horizontally across your chest and place your other arm perpendicular, like a cross, and lightly pull/press until you feel it
SIDES: sit on the floor with one leg bent or both straight like your in middle splits and sit straight up, then slowly lean toward one side with your opposing arm over it to keep torso straight and upright
CHEST: stand next to a pole or have something stable to grab or place your hand against with pressure. Put arm on pole, stand straight up and slowly move torso away from the arm that is placed on the pole

Happy Monday FitFam!