Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Kettleball Shoulder & Butt Duo

Left Video
1. Sumo squat position (toes pointed out slightly, legs a little farther apart than shoulder width, kettle ball held with both hands overhand position between legs)
2. Squat and swing kettle ball back between legs
3. Swing kettle ball upward,  slightly above your head, as you come up from the squat.
4. Remember to SQUEEZE your glute and shoulder muscles when you come up
5. Repeat (15 reps, 3 sets)

Right Video

1. Sumo squat position (kettle ball between legs, arms straight)
2. Squat keeping arms straight holding the kettle ball
3. Rise up from the squat and raise kettle ball making a "v" with your arms
4. SQUEEZE muscles
5. Repeat (15 reps, 4 sets)

Happy Tuesday Fit Fam! I hope this video helped.

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