Monday, December 30, 2013

Back & Shoulder Toning Workout

1. 5-10 minute cardio warm up
2. 4 sets, 15 reps bent over barbell rows
3. 3 sets, 15 reps front raises with dumbbells (each arm)
4. 4 sets, 15 reps incline side raises (each arm)
5. 4 sets, 15 reps close grip front lat pulldown (cable)
6. 4 sets, 15 reps straight arm pulldowns (cable)
7. 4 sets, 15 reps kettle ball front raise with sumo squats (get a little butt workout while you're at it)
8. 3 sets, 20 reps hyperextensions
9. 4 sets, 12 reps deadlifts
10. 4 sets, 15 reps stiff leg good mornings (barbell)

Remember- lighter weights + higher reps = TONE

Happy Monay Fit Fam!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ab Burn

Yes, abs are made in the kitchen, but you can't skip core work outs because you have a killer clean meal plan. I like to do a lot of extension and core focused ab routines. Here's mine from a few days ago.

1. 15-30 min cardio
2. 1 minute plank
3. 10 hanging leg lifts
4. 20 incline sit ups
5. 20 incline rotation sit ups
6. 20 incline oblique crunches (each side)
7. 1 minute side plank (each side)
8. 20 v-sit leg lifts (on bench)
9. 20 standing oblique crunches (with plate)
10. 20 rope pull down (rope attachment to cable)

Repeat steps 2-10, 3x


Sunday, December 15, 2013


Just because the temperature is dropping into the single digits or below, doesn't give you an excuse to skip the gym. I know Chicago, it's freezing. But, get off your butt and put that hot cocoa down. This is the time of year where i have to push myself extra hard. All I want to do is stay in bed and only get up to eat, but I make myself get up and work for what I really want.
Your body naturally wants to stay in and pack on an extra layer to get through the winter, but you will just find yourself farther and farther from your goal. And think about how hard it will be to get back on track when you decide to renew your New Year's Resolution of getting into shape. STOP making it a resolution, and strive to make a long lasting change in your life. Stick with your progress and training. Trust me, it will be worth while.
It is definitely important to get enough sleep, but don't "over sleep" because you will just find yourself groggy all day, unmotivated, and even sleepier. Here are some tips to help you fight the winter workout block.


  1. Try at home workouts (you get to stay in the comfort of your own home)
  2. Hot yoga (you can stay nice and warm while melting off some winter weight)
  3. Morning work outs (rise and shine and get it out of the way)
  4. Cardio blast (working up a sweat will make the cold less dreadful and will be refreshing after a hardcore cardio session)
  5. Stick with your meal plan (don't give into the holiday sweets and treats, you'll regret it)
  6. Play in the snow (shovel, build a snowman, have a snowball fight, go sledding or snowboarding; this way you stay active in the cold weather)
  7. Stay positive & strong (if you think it, you'll believe it)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shoulder & Tricep Tone

This is my routine from last night. Hope this helps :) feel free to contact with any quetions. 

1. 4 sets skull crushers with ez bar (15 reps)
2. 4 sets front raises with dumbbell (20 reps)
3. 3 sets side raises with dumbell (20 reps)
4. 4 sets kettle ball raises with sumo squats (15 reps)
5. 4 sets v-bar tricep pulldown (20 reps)
6. 3 sets leaning side raises woth dumbbell (20 reps)
7. 4 sets standing shoulder press (15 reps)
8. 4 sets shoulder flyes (15 reps)
9. 3 sets tricep dips (15 reps)
10. 1 minute plank

Use lighter weights because these are higher reps. Do a few ab workouts in between sets so you don't just stand around. COMMENT, E-MAIL, SHARE & FOLLOW

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bicep Pump

How To: Hammer Cable Curl with Rope Attachment
  1. Lower cable to the lowest pin
  2. Adjust to proper weight
  3. Grab rope with each hand
  4. Stand shoulder width apart
  5. Bend knees slightly, keep back straight, & chest up
  6. Start with arms lowered and elbows kept at the side
  7. Curl up keeping elbows at your sides
  8. When you go up pull up and out, BUT keep ELBOWS IN! (shown in the video)
  9. Squeeze biceps
  10. Return to start & repeat (4 sets of 12 reps)

This is one of my favorite bicep workouts. Happy Friday Fit Fam!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Want that leg day burn? Do this routine that I used today, and you will definitely feel it. I didn't put in weights because it really depends on the person of how much you should be lifting. If you don't know how to use the machines put in something else. Better safe than sorry.
  1. 5 minute cardio warm up
  2. 4 sets squat press
  3. 3 sets push back machine
  4. 4 sets alternating stationary lunges & squats with barbell (1 lunge each leg, squat, repeat)
  5. 4 sets incline squat
  6. drop set leg extensions starting from 40
  7. 3 sets lying hamstring machine
  8. 4 sets incline oblique crunches (15 each side)
  9. 3 sets decline squat machine
  10. 3 sets incline sit ups
  11. 3 sets deadlifts
hope you all had an awesome weekend =)