Sunday, December 15, 2013


Just because the temperature is dropping into the single digits or below, doesn't give you an excuse to skip the gym. I know Chicago, it's freezing. But, get off your butt and put that hot cocoa down. This is the time of year where i have to push myself extra hard. All I want to do is stay in bed and only get up to eat, but I make myself get up and work for what I really want.
Your body naturally wants to stay in and pack on an extra layer to get through the winter, but you will just find yourself farther and farther from your goal. And think about how hard it will be to get back on track when you decide to renew your New Year's Resolution of getting into shape. STOP making it a resolution, and strive to make a long lasting change in your life. Stick with your progress and training. Trust me, it will be worth while.
It is definitely important to get enough sleep, but don't "over sleep" because you will just find yourself groggy all day, unmotivated, and even sleepier. Here are some tips to help you fight the winter workout block.


  1. Try at home workouts (you get to stay in the comfort of your own home)
  2. Hot yoga (you can stay nice and warm while melting off some winter weight)
  3. Morning work outs (rise and shine and get it out of the way)
  4. Cardio blast (working up a sweat will make the cold less dreadful and will be refreshing after a hardcore cardio session)
  5. Stick with your meal plan (don't give into the holiday sweets and treats, you'll regret it)
  6. Play in the snow (shovel, build a snowman, have a snowball fight, go sledding or snowboarding; this way you stay active in the cold weather)
  7. Stay positive & strong (if you think it, you'll believe it)

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