Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cheat Meals

I say it's okay. Why? Because one meal won't make you gain 5 lbs. if you eat clean and exercise, having a cheat meal once in a while won't kill your progress. Things to remember:
1. Just one meal
2. If your full, STOP
3. Drink a glass of water before
4. If it's during the day, cardio at night
5. If it's dinner, cardio in the morning
6. It will help you from binge cheating (eating bad multiple times/days in a row)
7. Subsides the cravings
8. Keep portions small if you want various things
9. Don't eat after 7 PM
10. No one is perfect

Let's be real fit fam, eating clean can be tough and sometimes hurts your motivation. A little cheat meal here and there can keep you on track without constantly craving that bacon double cheeseburger with fries. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving :)


Monday, November 25, 2013

How to stay motivated

Are you finding yourself getting "bored" or unmotivated to work out? Here are my simple fixes:

1. Pumped Up Tunes put together a few playlists that will get you in that "pumped" mood. You can also uso pandora or find a podcast. I use the Shredz workout podcast which has some good energetic mixes and lasts me throughout my whole workout. 
2. Change It Up don't keep doing the same routine over and over again. You'll eventually start to dread doing it. I'll try to post some fun variations in my next few blogs posts.
3. Partner Up I know that if i have a friend or my boyfriend workout with me, i'm more motivated to do it. Plus it can be fun to have company. Makes the time go by faster as well. It could motivate you to try even harder.
4. Muscle Groups workout a different muscle group each day. Doing cardio everyday or working out the same areas with the same routine can be very boring after a while. Plus this helps me want to get to the gym more during the week for a complete body workout.
5. Don't Over Do It If you are trying to work out every day, stop. You are going to over exhaust your body. Choose 1-2 rest days. Your muscles need to recover, and straining your body isn't going to do you any good. Plus it won't feel like a chore, and you might want to go even more after missing a day or two.
6. Classes fun classes like yoga, pilates, zumba... Etc. will help change up your routine. It can be a "fun" workout day. Trying something different is never a bad thing. Worth a try.
7. Workout DVDs im not saying that you will get amazing result like the infomercials, but if you don't feel like goong to the gym, just pop in a disc and get moving. Nothing wrong with breaking a sweat in the living room.

Hope this helps fit fam. Happy Monday :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Talk Turkey

One of the hardest holidays to eat clean for me is definitely Thanksgiving. From the pies to the stuffing, to the mashed potatoes and gravy... my mouth waters thinking about it. So what do you do?

You have two options:

  1. Really watch your portions
    • Small portions of carbs and sweets won't hurt you, but really think about that second or third serving you want to eat. It's not worth it.
    • If you have a calorie intake tracker or an app, USE IT! You will be more conscious of what you are eating.
    • If you are full, put down your fork and stop eating. Take the plate away as well. If food is sitting in front of you, chances are you are going to keep picking at it.
    • Try to cut yourself off at 7:00 or 8:00. You want to allow your body to digest your food properly.
    • water, water, water. I know festivities mean celebrating, but lay off the alcohol. (unnecessary calories aren't worth it)
  2. Eat Clean
    • Turkey isn't bad for you. As long as you don't smother it in gravy. Get a good portion of turkey with some veggies.
    • Drink a glass of water before you eat. (I like to put lemon in mine) You will feel full a little quicker and that way you won't over eat.
    • While everyone is having their slice of pumpkin pie. Go to your pantry and get a spoonful of almond butter.

I know it will be very hard to contain yourself, but you can do it! Plus, you won't feel the guilt that comes from cheating on your diet and you won't feel sleepy and groggy like everyone else in your family. Don't be discouraged. Stay consistent and focused on your goal fit fam =)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cup of Tea

Tip Of The Day: Drink a cup of green tea everyday

1. Increases Metabolism (Polyphenol in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories)
2. Helps improve good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
3. Thought to help reduce high blood pressure.
4. Makes you feel good (Theanine, which is a relaxing amino acid found in tea leaves)
5. Good for you teeth and throat (Studies show that “catechin," the antioxidebt found in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections and dental conditions.
6. Great Skin (apparenty helps with wrinkles and signs of aging. Human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage)
7. Diabetes (Helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage)
8. Heart Disease (Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, keeping them relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It can also shield against the formation of clots)

I think that information is enough to want to drink some tea every morning. Just think about what you put in your body. I like to be a nerd and research this type of stuff. It's amazing what benefits you can find in the food you eat. Have an awesome Tuesday Fit Fam! COMMENT, E-MAIL, SHARE & FOLLOW

I got this awesome info. From written by Ciara Conlon check it out to read some more fun facts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Baby Got Back

  • feet should be shoulder width apart
  • knees bent
  • lean forward, back straight
  • pull straight back and squeeze
  • hands on the closer grip (under hand or over hand)
*i switch off between over hand and under hand and do 4 sets each of 12 reps with a 60 lb. ez bar
hope this helps! COMMENT, E-MAIL, SHARE & FOLLOW

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cardio Change Up

I like to change up my routines so I don't get bored. And in between lifting sets, I don't like to just sit there and stare at the tv. Ready to get your heart pumping?!

30 seconds high knees
1 minute step up kickback with 15 lb weight
30 second split jump
(Repeat rotation depends on how many sets you do)

Other options:
30 seconds squat jumps
30 seconds butt kickers
30 seconds lunges
30 seconds mountain climbers
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds plyo variation

Hope you are all have a good week! Happy Humpday Fit Fam =)

Monday, November 11, 2013

TOTD: never underestimate yourself

One challenge that I struggled with was my self confidence. Because I was stuck in self doubt, I was so hard on myself that accomplishing my goals seemed impossible. But i learned that you can't be so negative about your body and imperfections. No one and nothing is perfect. There is always room for improvement. You have to just keep your head up and take defeat as motivation to push yourself even more. Like Thomas the train says, "I think i can, I think I can" you need to do the same. Because if you keep putting yourself down, you won't have the drive to keep going. I never thought I would achieve the things I have in the past year, but when I think about it, it's because i never put myself down to the point where I wanted to throw in the towel and quit. Believe in yourself Fit Fam. You are capable of more than you know :)

Comment, e-mail, share & follow.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Veggie Prep

When I am meal prepping for the week, i try to make things simple but keep it tasty with variety. I like to sautee my veggies because it is quick and delicious. (I didn't have any red peppers today, but it was still good.)

What you will need:
-onion (diced)
-red peppers (diced and washed)
-1 tbsp. minced garlic
-1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

1. In a medium pan, sautee onions with garlic and olive oil on low heat until golden.
2. Add broccoli, mushrooms, and peppers
3. After a few minutes, stir and turn heat up to medium.
4. Continue cooking for about t minutes or until they are to your liking. 
5. Enjoy :)

I know it seems too simple to taste that great, but trust me, I never add anything besides what was listed above. It makes eating veggies more enjoyable for me especially since it doesnt taste so bland. Comment, share, e-mail and follow!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ab & Cardio Duo

Here is one of my quick ab and cardio workouts if i dont have enough time at the gyn before work. Do this as a circuit (so do everything once 3-4 times except the elliptical just once) Abs don't magically happen over night. The most important thing to remember is that "Abs are made in the kitchen" so what you eat is a key element to getting a nice tight tummy. Building up your core takes time, but keep at it. Doing a minute plank every morning can really make a difference.

- Elliptical 10 minutes (incline 10, resistance 8) pace yourself!
-12 hanging leg lifts
-20 heel touchers
-20 toe touchers
-30 second high knees
-20 oblique crunches
-20 regular crunches
-30 second mountain climbers
-20 hip ups
-1 minute plank
-30 second squat jumps
-20 incline side crunches (both sides)
-20 v-sit twists (both sides)
-30 second plyo variation
-don't forget to stretch

Hope this helps Fit Fam! Happy Flex Friday!! E-mail, comment, share & follow. I appreciate all the support I have gotten so far. Thank you, and have an awesome weekend :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


CHEST. Now, this is probably one of my most dreaded work out days, but that just means I have to push myself more and stay motivated by adding variety to my workouts. If I want to stay consistent, I have to push myself on my weak spots. Here is my work out from this morning Fit Fam.

  • 5-10 minute cardio warm up (I did burpees, mountain climbers, high knees, & squat jumps)
  • 12 reps bench press (15 lb. dumbbell each arm) 4 sets
  • 12 reps dumbbell flyes (12 lb. each arm) 4 sets
  • 12 reps front raise pullovers (10 lb. each arm) 4 sets
  • 15 reps incline push ups (no weight) 4 sets
  • 12 reps incline bench press (15 lb. each arm) 4 sets
  • 12 reps incline dumbbell flyes (12 lb. each arm) 4 sets
  • 12 reps push ups (bosu ball) 4 sets
  • 12 straight arm dumbbell pullovers (15-20 lbs.) 4 sets
  • 12 crossovers (resistance bands) 4 sets
  • 12 iron cross (resistance bands) 4 sets [I had a chin up machine that i attached my bands to)
All of this was done at home since I couldn't make it to the gym. If you don't have resistance bands at home or at your gym just replace it with the machine version and adjust to proper weight. COMMENT, E-MAIL, SHARE & FOLLOW. happy humpday fit fam =)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Breakfast BOOST

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day to kick start your morning. Here is my breakfast from this morning that incorporated 5 metabolism boosting foods in just one meal.

  • 6 egg whites with onions and jalapeƱos
  • 1 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon
  • 1 sliced banana
  • 1/4 cup of blueberries
  • 1 sliced apple
  • 1/4 cup sliced strawberries
  • 1 cup green tea
you can adjust serving sizes, but this amount helps me get through the morning without feeling groggy or starved. When i don't have time in the morning, I make sure that the night before i prep everything so that it only takes minutes for me to make breakfast and fly out the door for work. Hope this helps fit fam! If you have any questions or suggestions, COMMENT, E-MAIL, SHARE & FOLLOW. Happy Tuesday! =)

*bold = metabolism boosting food

Monday, November 4, 2013


Are you making the excuse that you don't have the TIME to go to the gym? Stay motivated fit fam. If you don't want to suit up and go to the gym, you have no excuse. Here are a list of exercises that you can do at home while watching tv or cooking dinner and require no weights.
  • ABS
    • crunches
    • planks
    • v-sits
    • leg lifts
    • sit ups
    • ab rollout (with towel or shirt)
    • toe touchers
    • cross body crunch
    • scissor kicks
    • leg pull ins
    • donkey kicks
    • squats
    • lunges
    • butt lifts
    • standing leg lifts
    • single leg glute bridges
    • push ups
  • ARMS
    • tricep dips
  • BACK
    • supermans
    • split lunges
    • squat jumps
    • jumping jacks
    • high knees
    • butt kickers
    • plyo variations
    • mountain climbers
    • burpees
    • stairs (if you have them)
Don't forget to STRETCH!!! If you want any specific stretch suggestions or explanations on any of these exercises just comment, e-mail, share and follow.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


  • 5-10 minute cardio warm up
  • 15 reps [glute] push back leg extensions (70 lbs. on machine) 4 sets
  • 20 squat jumps (no weights) 4 sets
  • 12 reps leg press (2 plates) 4 sets
  • 20 calf raises (2 plates on leg press) 4 sets)
  • 20 dumbbell lunges (10 lbs. each arm) 4 sets
  • 12 incline squats (1 plate on machine) 4 sets
  • 20 split lunge jumps (no weight) 4 sets
  • 8 deadlifts (1 plate) 4 sets
  • 15 sumo squats (25 lb. plate) 4 sets
  • 12 split squats with dumbbells (10 lbs. each arm) 4 sets 
  • 12 leg extensions (drop set on machine) 4 sets
  • 12 lying leg curls (weight depends on machine) 4 sets
I did a little more intense of a workout today, so if you feel it is too much, don't force yourself. You don't want to get hurt. Any questions? Comment, e-mail, share & follow.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sweet Treat

(i took the recipe from but i made a few adjustments to the recipe)


  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal
  • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup wheat germ
  • 1/2 cacao nibs
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup almond butter
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  1. Stir all ingredients together until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes
  3. Roll into balls (size doesn't matter)
  4. Enjoy =)
Keep them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. This should make up to 25, but again, that just depends on the size you make them. Any questions? Comment, E-mail, Share & Follow.