Monday, November 25, 2013

How to stay motivated

Are you finding yourself getting "bored" or unmotivated to work out? Here are my simple fixes:

1. Pumped Up Tunes put together a few playlists that will get you in that "pumped" mood. You can also uso pandora or find a podcast. I use the Shredz workout podcast which has some good energetic mixes and lasts me throughout my whole workout. 
2. Change It Up don't keep doing the same routine over and over again. You'll eventually start to dread doing it. I'll try to post some fun variations in my next few blogs posts.
3. Partner Up I know that if i have a friend or my boyfriend workout with me, i'm more motivated to do it. Plus it can be fun to have company. Makes the time go by faster as well. It could motivate you to try even harder.
4. Muscle Groups workout a different muscle group each day. Doing cardio everyday or working out the same areas with the same routine can be very boring after a while. Plus this helps me want to get to the gym more during the week for a complete body workout.
5. Don't Over Do It If you are trying to work out every day, stop. You are going to over exhaust your body. Choose 1-2 rest days. Your muscles need to recover, and straining your body isn't going to do you any good. Plus it won't feel like a chore, and you might want to go even more after missing a day or two.
6. Classes fun classes like yoga, pilates, zumba... Etc. will help change up your routine. It can be a "fun" workout day. Trying something different is never a bad thing. Worth a try.
7. Workout DVDs im not saying that you will get amazing result like the infomercials, but if you don't feel like goong to the gym, just pop in a disc and get moving. Nothing wrong with breaking a sweat in the living room.

Hope this helps fit fam. Happy Monday :)

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