Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Talk Turkey

One of the hardest holidays to eat clean for me is definitely Thanksgiving. From the pies to the stuffing, to the mashed potatoes and gravy... my mouth waters thinking about it. So what do you do?

You have two options:

  1. Really watch your portions
    • Small portions of carbs and sweets won't hurt you, but really think about that second or third serving you want to eat. It's not worth it.
    • If you have a calorie intake tracker or an app, USE IT! You will be more conscious of what you are eating.
    • If you are full, put down your fork and stop eating. Take the plate away as well. If food is sitting in front of you, chances are you are going to keep picking at it.
    • Try to cut yourself off at 7:00 or 8:00. You want to allow your body to digest your food properly.
    • water, water, water. I know festivities mean celebrating, but lay off the alcohol. (unnecessary calories aren't worth it)
  2. Eat Clean
    • Turkey isn't bad for you. As long as you don't smother it in gravy. Get a good portion of turkey with some veggies.
    • Drink a glass of water before you eat. (I like to put lemon in mine) You will feel full a little quicker and that way you won't over eat.
    • While everyone is having their slice of pumpkin pie. Go to your pantry and get a spoonful of almond butter.

I know it will be very hard to contain yourself, but you can do it! Plus, you won't feel the guilt that comes from cheating on your diet and you won't feel sleepy and groggy like everyone else in your family. Don't be discouraged. Stay consistent and focused on your goal fit fam =)

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