Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween Fit Fam! I know it is super tempting to eat a bucket of candy or go out and drink in your costumes, but remember how important your goal is to you! You could be that much closer. A milky way or a beer only lasts you so long. If you want the results, you have to work for it. If you have a sweet tooth like me, i suggest you cut up some fruit and pre package them in containers for when you are craving all that candy you didn't get rid of for trick or treaters. If I crave something rich like chocolate or cookies, I whip out my Arctic Zero ice cream. 1 scoop mint chocolate chip, 1 scoop vanilla maple. YUMMM! You can even add some fruit to it or if it is just vanilla maple, i like to sprinkle some cinnamon on top.
If that doesn't satisfy you, check back tomorrow for some sweet recipes that aren't packed with sugar, fat and sodium.  Hope you all are enjoying your festivities!

Comment, share, follow or e-mail :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BIs & TRIs

Hey Fit Fam! Here is a nice bicep and tricep routine that i use. If your trying to tone your arms, I suggest using lighter weights and higher reps. (Make it burn ladies) Im trying to build a little muscle so my weights are slightly heavier with lower reps, but that's adjustable to whatever you prefer. Make sure that you squeeze your biceps and triceps each rep. Take nice slow reps and watch your form to get the most out of your work out. This took me about an hour and a half. If you're on a time crunch just do the most you can.

  • 5-10 minute cardio warm up (today i did 5 minutes on the stairs & 5 minutes on the treadmill)
  • 12 wide grip bicep curls with (30 lb bar as shown in video) 4 sets
  • 15 skull crushers (20 lb bar) 4 sets
  • 12 sitting hammer bicep curls (15 lb) 4 sets
  • 20 bench dips (no weight) 4 sets
  • 12 concentration curls (15 lbs) 4 sets
  • 12 cable rope over head tricep extensions (20 lbs) 3 sets
  • 12 over head cable curls (20 lbs) 3 sets
  • 15 tricep push down (20 lbs v-bar) 4 sets
  • 12 lowered cable bicep curls (20 lbs rope) 4 sets
  • 12 tricep push down (20 lbs rope) 3 sets
  • 12 machine preacher curls (30 lbs) 4 sets
Any questions? I would love to answer them. comment below, e-mail, share and follow. Thanks for all the support!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


I have been feeling a little under the weather lately, but it's leg day. And, I NEVER miss leg day. Sometimes you just have to really push yourself to keep going. i definitely had to keep reminding myself of how much it means to me that I reach my goals. Here is my routine from today

  • 10 minute cardio warm up
  • 12 reps squat press (2 plates) 4 sets
  • 20 reps calf raises on squat press (2 plates) 4 sets
  • 8 reps deadlift (1 plate) 4 sets
  • 20 sumo squats (25 lb plate) 4 sets
  • 20 lunges (10 lb plate each arm)
  • 12 incline squats (1 plate) 4 sets
  • 20 squat jumps (no weight)
  • 12 quad machine (40 lbs) drop set
  • 12 lying hamstring machine (40 lbs) 4 sets
  • 20 lunges (10 lb plate each arm)
any questions? comment or e-mail me. Happy Sunday Fit Fam!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


I know it's tempting, but if you are really trying to eat clean i suggest these simple alternatives. It really makes a difference and it can keep your recipes healthy and tasteful.
  • If you want to eat candy
    • Fruit (grapefruit, apple, bananas, blueberries, pineapples, strawberries, raspberries...etc)
    • Banana chips (unsweetened)
    • bake with Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder and Enjoy Life chocolate chips
  • If you want to eat bread
    • Ezekial Bread
    • Rice Cakes (fat free, salt free, gluten free)
  • If you want to eat ice cream
    • Arctic Zero ice cream [they have a nice selection of flavors, and guess what?! only 150 calories per pint. Also fat free, gluten free, and lactose intolerant friendly]
  • If you want to eat peanut butter
    • PB2 [85% less fat calories, no additives, gluten free]
    • Almond Butter (unsalted & organic) [sodium free]
  • If you want to eat bacon
    • Turkey Bacon [50% less fat, lower sodium]
  • If you want to eat sausage
    • Turkey Sausage [less fat]
  • If you want to eat rice
    • Quinoa
    • Brown Rice
    • Veggies (it's always a good idea to switch out carbs for vegetables, especially a night)
  • If you want to eat beef burgers, steak, pork
    • Fish
    • Turkey meat (deli meat)
    • Chicken (breast) 
    • Turkey (ground and lean; use for turkey burgers, stuffed peppers, etc.) 
  • If you want to eat fries, hashbrowns, mashed potatoes
    • Sweet Potato [you can mash them, bake them, or slice to make fries]
  • If you want to eat cereal
    • Special K
    • Oatmeal [add cinnamon and/or fruit so it doesn't taste bland] 
    • Granola
  • If you want to drink pop, sugary juices, or coffee
    • Sparkling ICE [zero calories, contains vitamins, antioxidants, green tea extract and carbonated for that "pop" feel]
    • Green Tea [helps metabolism]
    • Silk Almond Milk (unsweetened) [lactose free, gluten free, soy free, and 50% more calcium than dairy milk]
    • Water [always the best option & add a slice of lemon for flavor]
    • Coffee (almond milk, stevia or honey)
  • Instead of cheese & butter
    • Molly McButter sprinkles (cheese or butter) [only 5 calories per serving]
    • I can't believe it's not butter [gluten free, zero calories per serving, zero fat per serving]
    • cook with
      • Coconut Oil
      • Pam [zero calories, sodium free, sugar free, fat free]
      • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Instead of flour
    • Almond Flour
  • Instead of salt, salty spices & flavorings
    • Mrs. Dash Seasonings [wide variety, sodium free]
    • Lemon
    • Lime
    • Garlic
    • Onions
These are most of the alternatives I can think of. I will be posting recipes that I have actually cooked using all the alternatives I suggested above.Comment or e-mail if you have any other alternatives you have questions about. Hope you're having a great weekend Fit Fam!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Get Those SHOULDER Boulders


warm up:
  • 5-10 minutes cardio
  • 15 front dumbbell or cable raise (5 or 10 lb weight) 4 reps each side
  • 15 side lateral raise (5 or 10 lb weight) 4 reps each side
  • 15 external rotations (5 or 10 lb weight) 4 reps each side
do work:
  • 15 cable shoulder press (weight varies) 4 reps
  • 15 barbell rear delt row (weight varies) 4 reps
  • 15 seated lateral raise (with dumbbell) 4 reps
  • 15 dumbbell shoulder press (weight varies) 4 reps
  • 15 reverse machine flyes (weight varies) 4 reps
  • 15 reps standing palm in dumbell press "fist pump" (weight varies) 4 reps each side
  • 15 upright barbell rows (weight varies) 4 reps
  • STRETCH!!!

Form is very important, so make sure you aren't lifting a weight that inhibits proper form. You will get more out of the workouts if they are properly done, so don't try and show off how much you can lift. You could hurt yourself and possibly not make the progress you want to see. Happy Friday Fit Fam!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


It's really important to take your supplements Fit Fam! Here are some things i take on a daily basis to stay healthy:
-fish oil (3x a day)
-omega (1x)
-vitamin C (1x)
-calcium (2x)

You can also take a multivitamin, it is definitely personal preference. Just remember how important it is to take them. I have definitely seen a difference since i have been taking them and I have a really weak immune system. Knock on wood, I haven't gotten sick since last year. yay!! Comment or e-mail for any questions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I felt like changing up my usual routine today and make use of some gym equipment. Here are the instructions for my ab workout from the video above.

  • plank on bosu ball
    • elbows in, shoulder width apart
    • core tight
    • back straight
  • put one knee down
  • place other foot on scooter (can also use paper plate or sweater)
  • extend leg
  • slide out to the side slightly
  • bring knee towards side
  • slide back into start position
  • repeat 20 times on each side for 4 sets
song: "Hot Like Sauce" by Pretty Lights

*i posted the easier version, if you want more of a challenge, flip bosu ball upside down or try with other leg straight

Monday, October 21, 2013

Finding Motivation

I thought I would write about this topic because some people ask me how I am motivated to go to the gym 5-6 times a week. Truth is, I'm not always motivated. Sometimes I just have to re-evaluate my goals and think about how important it is to me to achieve it. On days that I feel like just going home and sitting on my couch after a long day of work, I don't give myself an option and just drive to the gym. Once I get inside and start working out, I instantly push myself. I also try to remember that, "You will never regret a work out, but you will regret not working out." Trust me Fit Fam, it just takes a little bit of self discipline and I promise it will be worth it. If the problem is that you don't think you are achieving your goals in the time that you want, maybe you should break down those goals and take it little by little. You might be overwhelming yourself and expecting too much. Keep it simple and realistic.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Leg Day

Leg day is my absolute favorite day of the week. It's challenging and c'mon ladies, who doesn't want a nice butt and toned legs?! Here is one of my work out routines to try out:

-5 minute warm up on stair master or elliptical
-12 reps squat press machine (2 plates) 3 sets
-20 calf raises on squat press machine (2 plates) 3 sets
-20 squat jumps (do in between squat press)
-8 deadlifts (1 plate) 3 sets
-8 squats (25 lb plate on each side) 3 sets
-20 lunges (do in between squats or deadlifts)
-12 reps hamstring machine (40 lbs) 3 sets
-12 reps quad machine (do a dropset starting at 40 lbs)
-30 seconds side lunge squats off bosu ball (hold 15 lb. weight) 3 sets
-12 reps elevated butt lift (hold 10 lb. plate as shown in video) 3 sets each leg

and most importantly don't forget to STRETCH!
any questions? comment below or shoot me an e-mail.
hope you had an amazing weekend fit fam.

Friday, October 18, 2013

My healthy & delicious Dinner

-turkey bacon (10 pc.)
-chicken breast tenderloin (10 pc.)
-olive oil (5 tblsp.)
-mrs. dash garlic & herb
-lemon (1-2 slices)
-toothpicks (10)

Set oven for 450, marinate chicken in olive oil and season. Wrap chicken in turkey bacon and hold in place with a toothpick. Cook in the oven for 45 minutes. Make sure to check on it every 15 minutes and turn if necessary. Add lemon in the last 15 minutes.

-two sweet potatos
-i can't believe it's not butter
-molly mcbutter sprinkles

Boil a small pot of water. Shave and slice potatoes. Place in water for about 8-10 min. (or until soft) drain the water and mash the potatoes. Place them in an oven safe dish and add the toppings to your liking. Put in the oven for about 8 minutes. 

*you can add a tsp of brown sugar, but since im trying to eat clean i added no salt or sugar to any of my recipes.

I didn't give instructions on the broccoli because it's pretty plain and simple, k just steamed it and added a little lemon. This is one of my boyfriend's favorites. Hope you all like it as well. This should serve 3-4 people, but since me and the boyfriend eat a lot, it just served us two. If you have any questions just comment or shoot me an e-mail :) Bon Appétit Fit Fam!

Post Work Out

A co-worker had given me an idea for my blog today
You should defintely put something in your system after a good work out. Your body needs to recover so don't starve! You defintely need to stay hydrated so drink plenty of water. I like to keep it light as well. You don't want to put anything heavy abd greasy in your system. Here are a couple of suggestions:
  • Fruit
  • Smoothie (not too sugary)
  • Protein shake (i love mine with almond milk)
  • Protein bar (watch the sugar content)
  • Almonds
  • 4-6 oz. of lean meat
  • Sweet potato
  • Veggies
What NOT to eat:
  • Fast food
  • Pasta 
  • White rice
  • Candy
  • Ice cream
  • Chips
  • Bread
*try staying away from a lot of cheese and carbs, that's something you would wanna eat before your work out.

Hope this helped fit fam! I am always open to questions and suggestions. Just comment below or shoot me an e-mail. Hope all of you are having an awesome Friday!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Breakfast Is Important


It's really important to eat in the morning & WATCH WHAT YOU EAT. Don't make excuses like, "I don't have time." You always have time to grab a banana or pour a cup of cereal to go. Don't opt for the drive thru at McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts; You'll regret it later. Breakfast is so important to me because it kick starts my day. And no one likes going to work or school on an empty stomach. I know it puts me in a bad mood. Try and wake up 15 minutes earlier to get breakfast into your routine.

Things to eat in the morning:

  • egg whites (sometimes i add veggies)
  • cereal (i prefer special k w/ almond milk)
  • fruit (grapefruit, banana, strawberries, apple...etc)
  • oatmeal (with cinnamon & stevia
  • toast (ezekial bread is my favorite)
  • turkey sausage or turkey bacon

Target: Back & Core

  • plank over weight (10-20 lbs)
    • make sure arms are straight
    • feet are a little more than shoulder width apart
    • core is engaged
    • keep back straight (no butt ups or arches)
  • alternate lifting the weight on each side
    • elbows in
    • upper arm should be parallel to the floor
  • 15 reps on each side
  • rest for 30 seconds and repeat (4 times)
any questions? comment below or feel free to e-mail me

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tip For The Day

It is very important to pace yourself and be consistent. I always try to focus on one goal so I do not overwhelm myself and have unrealistic expectations. My recent goal that I have accomplished was getting two plates on leg & squat press (12 reps) I would love to hear all of your goals and answer all your questions, so comment below.

"8 hours of SLEEP each night, 8 cups of WATER each day, 3 MEALS every day, 3 SNACKS every day, 3 WORKOUTS a week (at least), and 1 GOAL AT A TIME."

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hello all my fitness lovers

Alle's Fat Burner Routine
  • 10 minute warm up on stair master (10 regular steps, 10 steps lunge and kick back)
  • 30 crunches (with 10 lb. plate)
  • 20 v-ups (with ball)
  • 20 incline side crunches (on each side with 25 lb. plate)
  • side to side lunge jumps (30 seconds off bosu ball with 10 lb. weight)
  • 40 "apple pickers" (with 10 lb. plate)
  • 20 hanging leg lifts
  • 40 mountain climbers
repeat this 4 times except the warm up cardio and rest in between. Please feel free to ask any questions about my routines. I'll try the best i can to help.