Friday, October 18, 2013

Post Work Out

A co-worker had given me an idea for my blog today
You should defintely put something in your system after a good work out. Your body needs to recover so don't starve! You defintely need to stay hydrated so drink plenty of water. I like to keep it light as well. You don't want to put anything heavy abd greasy in your system. Here are a couple of suggestions:
  • Fruit
  • Smoothie (not too sugary)
  • Protein shake (i love mine with almond milk)
  • Protein bar (watch the sugar content)
  • Almonds
  • 4-6 oz. of lean meat
  • Sweet potato
  • Veggies
What NOT to eat:
  • Fast food
  • Pasta 
  • White rice
  • Candy
  • Ice cream
  • Chips
  • Bread
*try staying away from a lot of cheese and carbs, that's something you would wanna eat before your work out.

Hope this helped fit fam! I am always open to questions and suggestions. Just comment below or shoot me an e-mail. Hope all of you are having an awesome Friday!!

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